
My heart is heavy today.

Not only has Afghanistan legalized the rape of women and reinforced the law that restricts them to stay in their home unless accompanied by a male family member (read about it here) but two women working for Current TV have been detained in North Korea and are facing trial. I don't know why my heart is so especially heavy for them but it is just so scary. I guess being an woman helps me to empathize with them. Please be praying for their release and that a peaceful outcome can be found in all of this.

"Two US journalists detained in North Korea are to face trial on charges of illegal entry and "hostile acts", a state-run news agency has reported.

Euna Lee, a Korean-American, and Laura Ling, a Chinese-American, were seized along the Chinese border on March 17.

"The illegal entry of US reporters into the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] and their suspected hostile acts have been confirmed by evidence and their statements," the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said on Tuesday."

(Read more about it here and here.)

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